Welcome to Abhishays Fitness Page. The website that I am devoloping will focus on exposing false fitness tips circulating on the internet. As someone who has been lifting and taking care of my health for the last four years, I have noticed that there is a lot of false and misleading advice. This website will aim to dismantle this misinformation by using science-backed explanations and insights from experts. The intended audience of my site will be people who are just getting their fitness journey started. My goal for the target audience is for them to start their fitness journey with a simple approach. Another feature the website will have is a begginer friendly workout routine. This will also help the new people figure out what they want to do in the gym.
A site that also has the same goals as mine is Examine.com. The fitness industry is filled with snake oil salesmen so this site analyzes a variety of supplements. My website differs from this however because there is also a lot of bad advice related to working out itself. I want to include some information about useless supplements. Another really good source is Jeffnippard.com. He is a science based lifter that has more than a decade of experience. He provides an analysis on different workouts that are effective and not effective. Many new lifters tend to follow his information as he is a natural athlete.
The content found in the website’s garage is the sidebar. The sidebar has widgets that will direct the user to different parts of the website. The front porch aspect is where the audience can easily contact the author. This is important so that readers can comment on specific ideas. My site is different from the Geocities that Dunn discussed because the sites he describes has personal expression. In my website the information will include primarily institutional knowledge. The sites I found have more longevity to GeoCities because they also generate revenue allowing them to continue to operate.